Acoustic or Digital: Which Piano is Best for Beginners?

Acoustic or Digital: Which Piano is Best for Beginners?

One of the first decisions you'll need to make as a piano beginner is whether to buy an acoustic upright / grand or a digital piano. Both have their own pros and cons to consider.

Sound Quality

Acoustic pianos produce their rich sound from strings and wooden hammers inside the body of the piano. This allows them to produce beautiful, complex tone, dynamics and expressiveness that some players feel digital pianos still can't quite capture. However, modern digital pianos use very advanced, multitimbral sampling to closely emulate the sound of an acoustic. For a beginner who is still developing their ability to tell the difference between these nuances, a good digital may sound pretty much identical to the real thing.

Cost and Maintenance

Brand new acoustic pianos can be very expensive and they also require regular tuning and maintenance which all adds up. Digital pianos offer an affordable alternative without the pricey maintenance (although still need TLC!). This makes them an ideal choice if you're on a tight budget.


Digital pianos offer extra features, often including hundreds of built-in instruments and rhythms, recording and playback facilities, apps with interactive lessons, and headphone outputs for quiet practice.

A good digital piano represents the best combination of affordability, convenience and features for most people. But if sound quality is your top priority and budget is less of a concern, an acoustic piano remains the finest option to fully provide the true piano playing experience.

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